sunnuntai 21. kesäkuuta 2015

NOT a good day at the garage...

Oh man what a weekend... We had the midsummer festival here this weekend, aka Juhannus, so friday was off from work. My wife had booked the whole weekend full of work including a night shift to get maximum pay from them, which meant that I`ve spent the lest three days practically alone with my two year old son, mainly listening to screaming in gibberish and going no don`t touch that, come down frome there, yes you will eat this, no come here, no stay in bed... YAARGH! I mean I love the kid to death but three days in a row starts to creep up in your soul...

So today when my wife returned home i immediately announced that I`m going to the shed later today and I gotta do noisy stuff so it`s gotta be before 8pm cause there`s little kids on both apartments of the house.

First off I lifted a sheet of 5mm stainless to the table that I once bought off a metal company skip along with some other bits. They`re great for getting quality stuff for peanuts, when I asked the guy after lifting a few sheets to the side what does he want for them I immediately saw from his face "nothing really but if I let you take them you`re gonna empty the whole skip" so he went aaaa........... gimme a fiver. I don`t know exactly what that sheet is apart from being stainless, but I`ll tell you it. is. HARD. Normal HSS drills hardly make a dent, I had to use cobalt drills to get holes made, along with ROCOL cutting grease. I haven`t managed to find that stuff anywhere for sale to common joes but managed to get a hold of a nearly empty jug at work some years ago. It`s great stuff cause in room temp it has this waxy substance like vaseline, but when you heat it up it turns to liquid so it holds on very well and cuts way more efficiently than any spray on foam. Also lasts forever, I melted the remains of the jug onto a glass baby food jar, got it about half full and am still using it.

So i got the center flange done along with cutting and beveling the rear mounting pipes that the main rails will attach to...

...went to test it to the bike, cursed loud when I realized I`ve made it according to the cardboard template but forgot to factor in that the flanges overlap the center bridge so it is 20mm too short so had to make another one...

...went to weld them onto the bike wondering why the welds look so awful, I`ve welded stainless to black before with no problems. At first I thought that since the vertical pipe is going to be sealed in the heating and expanding air is pushing my welds out but realized I`m not all the way through yet so that can`t be it...

Until it hit me... no hiss from the pistol...

Oh well it did last for a good two years... This however means that I`ll be needing to cut all the welds open from the flanges and grind them flat cause at least some had been welded without gas so the seams are compromised. I loaded the bottle to the car and hope I`ll have time to go swap it tomorrow.

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