torstai 25. kesäkuuta 2015

Finally some progress

well this thing surely ain`t letting me off easy. First off getting more gas proved to be much more difficult than expected. The gas company has two kinds of bottles, the ones they rent and the ones they sell to you, the latter being meant to and mostly used by hobby welders who usually don`t manage to use the whole bottle within the rent perioid so it pays to buy the bottle and go change it as it goes out, the swap process is exactly the same.

...Unless the gas company orders a huge batch of the wrong kind of bottles and cannot provide the retailers changelings, and everyone runs out of gas at the same time! I phoned or visited every single shop in Lahti that has AGA retail spot, to no avail. Further phoning quickly revealed that the Unicyl bottles are out EVERYWHERE! Luckily help came in the form of one shop near Helsinki after dragging the shell with me for two days at work. I went to ask if they had any, and they said that they can make a deal with the gas company of another kind of bottle with one year free rent. It`s a different gas, the one I had was Mison 18 (18% Co2, 82% Argon) and the new one is Mison 25 (25/75) but since that pretty much was the only option I took it and gonna try to get through the 10 liter bottle within a year (the last one lasted two)

Garage time has also been a rare luxury lately, and because of how the house is built I can`t do noisy stuff late so one day when I happened to get from work a little early I immediately drove home and straight into the garage since the boy was at daycare and the wifey at work.

The first thing was to make the rear mounting pipes. I first tried the same method how I did mine which was to weld washers at the ends of the tubes but no matter how well you burn them together the contact surface just isn`t big enough to hold so they broke off right away, just as happened to mine the first time round. On this one however I will be needing much sturdier mounts for reasons that will be revealed eventually, so I had to think of something else. Then it hit me, so hard that I actually did slap my forehead saying how did I not think of that on the first time round! I went to a local bolt shop and bought some extension nuts and a rod of threaded bar. I would have wanted to use stud bolts but a quick phone-around later it turned out that absolutely no one stocks M12x145mm studs so the threaded bar basically was my only option. I grinded the galvanizing off from the nuts at opposite sides and drilled four holes to both tubes to be able to plug-weld the nuts in place.

Nuts plug welded and the flanges re-welded in place after removing any porous seams. I just MIGHT be imagining things but it feels like it`s slightly harder to weld with the new gas.

Getting shape. The flange weld seam seems to touch the ground but not bear weight so not gonna grind it flat. The overall design is a little bit simpler than the one I did for me, but it also means it should actually be more rigid as well since there`s less pivot points to bend from. Should have done the lower link with a flange joint to my cage as well, no idea what I was thinking making it from little tube bits...

 Not entirely happy with how the weld seams on the little cross strut came out but I fear if I start grinding them down they`ll look even worse so probly gonna try to just tidy them out a little. The shape of the cage could not be much better given the fact that it`s pretty much shot from the hip. The main rail that goes from the front to back licks the ground at pretty much the same height from the entire length. Just hoping really hard that any place won`t hit the fairings. The main crossbar probly will need a little space made to the side of the big air vents at the lower fairings but that SHOULD be the only mod needed.

Had a little oopsie with the other side rail... Long story short, rushed, followed a wrong mark and cut the tube about an inch short. Being my last bent tube I decided before getting a new one made I will try to fix it, I got it aligned pretty well with the magnets and got it to burn through about 95% so once I file the weld down no one will be the wiser once it`s painted and shouldn`t cause any structural integrity issues either.

As an ending to today`s broadcast the latest fashion tips straight from Paris! Sorry, Garage!
This summer`s hot things are raw leather and perforated sleeves, also remember proper protection for your eyes from the sun. Automatic lenses and carbon fiber pattern on frames gives a contemporary finishing touch. For a more dramatic look I`d recommend burnt metal around the eyes for a little darker shade, and the scent of the day is most definitely cutting disc number 1.0

1 kommentti:

  1. Missy is Clapping hands and thanking for a good morning cafeee newspaper read lol enjoying myself here :)
