Hey all, long time no see!
Life in general doesn`t always go as planned and as you might have
noticed this blog, along with pretty much any project to write here
about, came to a screeching halt right around a year ago, pretty shortly
after starting to write the blog in the frist place. I will be keeping
this blog up as well, but after faffing about with the settings trying
to divide this blog into two main lines -and failing miserably- I
decided to make an other parallel blog for my thoughts and realizations
about life in general.
In case you are interested in reading about that, please visit http://oddballism.blogspot.fi/.
I will be attempting to kickstart that one shortly as writing this there
is currently nothing in there yet. In case you actually wanna follow my
random ramblings I`d strongly recommend subscribing to the mailing list
as I can only guarantee that the updates will be very random at best ;)
Have a good one Y`all!